Police officers are seen at a traffic barrier outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on August 15, 2018 at the scene of a suspected terror attack on August 14.  The man arrested for driving into a barrier protecting the Houses of Parliament in a suspected terror attack was a Briton of Sudanese origin from Birmingham, media reports said on August 15. Three people were injured when the silver Ford Fiesta drove into cyclists before crashing to a halt outside the House of Lords early on Tuesday morning.
Police officers are seen at a traffic barrier outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on August 15, 2018 at the scene of a suspected terror attack on August 14. The man arrested for driving into a barrier protecting the Houses of Parliament in a suspected terror attack was a Briton of Sudanese origin from Birmingham, media reports said on August 15. Three people were injured when the silver Ford Fiesta drove into cyclists before crashing to a halt outside the House of Lords early on Tuesday morning. / AFP / BEN STANSALL
Armed police are seen outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on August 15, 2018 close to the scene of a suspected terror attack on August 14.  The man arrested for driving into a barrier protecting the Houses of Parliament in a suspected terror attack was a Briton of Sudanese origin from Birmingham, media reports said on August 15. Three people were injured when the silver Ford Fiesta drove into cyclists before crashing to a halt outside the House of Lords early on Tuesday morning.
Armed police are seen outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on August 15, 2018 close to the scene of a suspected terror attack on August 14. The man arrested for driving into a barrier protecting the Houses of Parliament in a suspected terror attack was a Briton of Sudanese origin from Birmingham, media reports said on August 15. Three people were injured when the silver Ford Fiesta drove into cyclists before crashing to a halt outside the House of Lords early on Tuesday morning. / AFP / BEN STANSALL
Armed police are seen outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on August 15, 2018 close to the scene of a suspected terror attack on August 14.  The man arrested for driving into a barrier protecting the Houses of Parliament in a suspected terror attack was a Briton of Sudanese origin from Birmingham, media reports said on August 15. Three people were injured when the silver Ford Fiesta drove into cyclists before crashing to a halt outside the House of Lords early on Tuesday morning.
Armed police are seen outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on August 15, 2018 close to the scene of a suspected terror attack on August 14. The man arrested for driving into a barrier protecting the Houses of Parliament in a suspected terror attack was a Briton of Sudanese origin from Birmingham, media reports said on August 15. Three people were injured when the silver Ford Fiesta drove into cyclists before crashing to a halt outside the House of Lords early on Tuesday morning. / AFP / BEN STANSALL
The car that was driven at pedestrians and cyclists in Westminster then crashed into the barrier outside the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday is seen in an image handed out by the Metropolitan Police in London, August 15, 2018. Metropolitan Police handout via REUTERS
The car that was driven at pedestrians and cyclists in Westminster then crashed into the barrier outside the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday is seen in an image handed out by the Metropolitan Police in London, August 15, 2018. Metropolitan Police handout via REUTERS

منفذ عملية الدهس صالح خاطر في قبضة الشرطة.  (متداولة)
منفذ عملية الدهس صالح خاطر في قبضة الشرطة. (متداولة)
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أ ف ب، رويترز (لندن)
كشفت تقارير إعلامية أمس (الأربعاء)، أن منفذ حادثة الدهس أمام البرلمان يدعى صالح خاطر وهو بريطاني من أصل سوداني يقيم في برمنغهام. وأعلنت الشرطة البريطانية أن خاطر الذي دهس أشخاصا بسيارته قرب مقر البرلمان في لندن سيواجه تهم إرتكاب «أعمال إرهابية ومحاولة القتل». وأصيب 3 أشخاص بجروح عندما دهست سيارة فضية من نوع «فورد فييستا» أشخاصا على دراجات هوائية قبل الاصطدام بالحواجز خارج مجلس اللوردات أمس الأول. وبينما أكد قائد شرطة مكافحة الإرهاب نيل باسو أن المشتبه به غير معروف لدى أجهزة الاستخبارات، ذكرت صحيفة «ذي تايمز» أنه معروف لدى الشرطة. وأفادت الصحيفة أن خاطر يدير متجرا في برمنغهام وتلقى تعليمه في جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، نقلا عن صفحته في موقع «فيسبوك». ونقلت عن صديقه منذ الطفولة أبوبكر إبراهيم قوله إن خاطر «ليس إرهابيا. عرفته منذ الطفولة. إنه رجل جيد». وانتقل خاطر إلى بريطانيا قبل 5 سنوات لكسب المال من أجل مساعدة عائلته.