" data-responsive="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2016/10/26/51402.jpg" data-src="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2016/10/26/51402.jpg"> Syrians who were living in the rebel-held side of Aleppo are seen inside an ambulance after nearly 50 people fled the rebel held eastern districts of the battered city into the government-controlled west on October 24, 2016. 

 The incident comes after a unilateral three-day ceasefire declared by Russia and government forces ended on Sunday without any evacuations by the United Nations.
Syrians who were living in the rebel-held side of Aleppo are seen inside an ambulance after nearly 50 people fled the rebel held eastern districts of the battered city into the government-controlled west on October 24, 2016. The incident comes after a unilateral three-day ceasefire declared by Russia and government forces ended on Sunday without any evacuations by the United Nations. "Forty-eight people from... the eastern districts were able to flee towards the western districts, where a Syrian Arab army unit welcomed and secured them," SANA said. / AFP / GEORGE OURFALIAN
" data-responsive="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2016/10/26/51403.jpg" data-src="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2016/10/26/51403.jpg"> Syrians who were living in the rebel-held side of Aleppo are seen after nearly 50 people fled the rebel held eastern districts of the battered city into the government-controlled west on October 24, 2016. 

 The incident comes after a unilateral three-day ceasefire declared by Russia and government forces ended on Sunday without any evacuations by the United Nations.
Syrians who were living in the rebel-held side of Aleppo are seen after nearly 50 people fled the rebel held eastern districts of the battered city into the government-controlled west on October 24, 2016. The incident comes after a unilateral three-day ceasefire declared by Russia and government forces ended on Sunday without any evacuations by the United Nations. "Forty-eight people from... the eastern districts were able to flee towards the western districts, where a Syrian Arab army unit welcomed and secured them," SANA said. / AFP / GEORGE OURFALIAN
" data-responsive="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2016/10/26/51404.jpg" data-src="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2016/10/26/51404.jpg"> Syrians who were living in the rebel-held side of Aleppo are seen inside a vehicle after nearly 50 people fled the rebel held eastern districts of the battered city into the government-controlled west on October 24, 2016. 

 The incident comes after a unilateral three-day ceasefire declared by Russia and government forces ended on Sunday without any evacuations by the United Nations.
Syrians who were living in the rebel-held side of Aleppo are seen inside a vehicle after nearly 50 people fled the rebel held eastern districts of the battered city into the government-controlled west on October 24, 2016. The incident comes after a unilateral three-day ceasefire declared by Russia and government forces ended on Sunday without any evacuations by the United Nations. "Forty-eight people from... the eastern districts were able to flee towards the western districts, where a Syrian Arab army unit welcomed and secured them," SANA said. / AFP / GEORGE OURFALIAN

مقاتلون من الجيش الحر يؤدون الصلاة خارج حلب، وفي الإطار قريبات قتلى ميليشيا «حزب الله» الذين لقوا مصرعهم في سورية يبكين خلال تشييعهم في مدينة البيصيرية اللبنانية.  (رويترز)
مقاتلون من الجيش الحر يؤدون الصلاة خارج حلب، وفي الإطار قريبات قتلى ميليشيا «حزب الله» الذين لقوا مصرعهم في سورية يبكين خلال تشييعهم في مدينة البيصيرية اللبنانية. (رويترز)
Men carry the coffin of Hezbollah fighter Mohamad al-Shami, who was killed during clashes in Syria's Aleppo, during his funeral in Bisariye village, southern Lebanon October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
Men carry the coffin of Hezbollah fighter Mohamad al-Shami, who was killed during clashes in Syria's Aleppo, during his funeral in Bisariye village, southern Lebanon October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
The sister (C) of Hezbollah fighter Mohamad al-Shami, who was killed during clashes in Syria's Aleppo, morns during his funeral in Bisariye village, southern Lebanon October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
The sister (C) of Hezbollah fighter Mohamad al-Shami, who was killed during clashes in Syria's Aleppo, morns during his funeral in Bisariye village, southern Lebanon October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
A woman throws rice as men carry the coffin of Hezbollah fighter Mohamad al-Shami, who was killed during clashes in Syria's Aleppo, during his funeral in Bisariye village, southern Lebanon October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
A woman throws rice as men carry the coffin of Hezbollah fighter Mohamad al-Shami, who was killed during clashes in Syria's Aleppo, during his funeral in Bisariye village, southern Lebanon October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
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رويترز (بروكسل، موسكو)
زعمت وزارة الدفاع الروسية في بيان أمس (الثلاثاء) أن الطائرات العسكرية الروسية والسورية لم تقصف المتشددين في حلب خلال الأيام السبعة الأخيرة، ولم تحلق في سماء المدينة السورية. وجاء التوضيح الروسي بعد تصريح مسؤول بالأمم المتحدة حول توقف أي خطط لإجلاء المرضى في حلب بسبب استئناف الضربات الجوية إضافة إلى أسباب أخرى عددها وكيل الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة للشؤون الإنسانية ومنسق الإغاثة في حالات الطوارئ ستيفن أوبراين. وأضافت وزارة الدفاع الروسية أنه لا تزال هناك ستة ممرات إنسانية في شرقي حلب للسماح بخروج المدنيين وأن 48 امرأة وطفلا غادروا المدينة في وقت متأخر الليلة قبل الماضية.

وقد ألغت الأمم المتحدة خططها لإجلاء مرضى من منطقة شرقي حلب المحاصرة، ملقية باللائمة في فشل جهودها على أطراف الصراع. وقال ستيفن أوبراين في بيان أمس إن عمليات الإجلاء أعاقتها عوامل عدة من بينها التأخيرات في تسلم الموافقات الضرورية من السلطات المحلية في شرقي حلب، ورفض الحكومة السورية السماح دخول الإمدادات الطبية والمساعدات إلى الجزء الشرقي من حلب. من جهته أعرب وزير الخارجية الأمريكي جون كيري عن قلقه لنظيره الروسي سيرجي لافروف بشأن تجدد القتال والغارات الجوية في مدينة حلب بعد توقف القتال لأيام عدة.