Rohingya refugee sisters, who just arrived under the cover of darkness by wooden boats from Myanmar, hug each other as they try to find their parents at Shah Porir Dwip, in Teknaf, near Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh, September 29, 2017. Picture taken September 29, 2017. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Rohingya refugee sisters, who just arrived under the cover of darkness by wooden boats from Myanmar, hug each other as they try to find their parents at Shah Porir Dwip, in Teknaf, near Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh, September 29, 2017. Picture taken September 29, 2017. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
TOPSHOT - A Rohingya Muslim refugee carries his belongings as he walks with other people by night after crossing the border from Myanmar, on the Bangladeshi shores of the Naf river in Teknaf on September 29, 2017. More than half a million Rohingya Muslims have poured into Bangladesh in the last month, fleeing a vicious Myanmar military crackdown on Rohingya rebels that has gutted villages across northern Rakhine state. Scores have drowned while trying to cross waters separating the two countries, while those who survive face new dangers as they cram into squalid refugee settlements where food and clean water are in short supply. / AFP / FRED DUFOUR
TOPSHOT - A Rohingya Muslim refugee carries his belongings as he walks with other people by night after crossing the border from Myanmar, on the Bangladeshi shores of the Naf river in Teknaf on September 29, 2017. More than half a million Rohingya Muslims have poured into Bangladesh in the last month, fleeing a vicious Myanmar military crackdown on Rohingya rebels that has gutted villages across northern Rakhine state. Scores have drowned while trying to cross waters separating the two countries, while those who survive face new dangers as they cram into squalid refugee settlements where food and clean water are in short supply. / AFP / FRED DUFOUR
TOPSHOT - Rohingya Muslim refugees walk by night after crossing the border from Myanmar, on the Bangladeshi shores of the Naf river in Teknaf on September 29, 2017. More than half a million Rohingya Muslims have poured into Bangladesh in the last month, fleeing a vicious Myanmar military crackdown on Rohingya rebels that has gutted villages across northern Rakhine state. Scores have drowned while trying to cross waters separating the two countries, while those who survive face new dangers as they cram into squalid refugee settlements where food and clean water are in short supply. / AFP / FRED DUFOUR
TOPSHOT - Rohingya Muslim refugees walk by night after crossing the border from Myanmar, on the Bangladeshi shores of the Naf river in Teknaf on September 29, 2017. More than half a million Rohingya Muslims have poured into Bangladesh in the last month, fleeing a vicious Myanmar military crackdown on Rohingya rebels that has gutted villages across northern Rakhine state. Scores have drowned while trying to cross waters separating the two countries, while those who survive face new dangers as they cram into squalid refugee settlements where food and clean water are in short supply. / AFP / FRED DUFOUR
Rohingya refugees who just arrived under the cover of darkness by wooden boats from Myanmar make their way to the shore of Shah Porir Dwip, in Teknaf, near Cox's Bazar, in Bangladesh September 29, 2017. Picture taken September 29, 2017. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj
Rohingya refugees who just arrived under the cover of darkness by wooden boats from Myanmar make their way to the shore of Shah Porir Dwip, in Teknaf, near Cox's Bazar, in Bangladesh September 29, 2017. Picture taken September 29, 2017. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj

روهينغية أصيبت بطلق ناري في عينها وقتل زوجها وأحرقت قريتها تتلقى العلاج بمستشفى  في بنغلاديش أمس الأول. (رويترز)
روهينغية أصيبت بطلق ناري في عينها وقتل زوجها وأحرقت قريتها تتلقى العلاج بمستشفى في بنغلاديش أمس الأول. (رويترز)
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أ ف ب (رانغون)
تجمع أكثر من ألفي شخص من أقلية الروهينغا المسلمة على ساحل بورما هذا الأسبوع، بعدما غادروا سيرا، قرى الداخل في ولاية راخين الغربية متجهين إلى بنغلاديش للحاق بأكثر من نصف مليون لاجئ فروا من حملة التطهير العرقي، بحسب ما أفادت وسائل إعلام أمس (السبت). وذكرت وسائل الإعلام، أن الجزء الأكبر من الحشد الذي تجمع على ساحل راخين، أتى من منطقة بلدة بوذيداونغ في الداخل إلى غرب سلسلة جبال مايو، وأضافت أن الفارين بدأوا مغادرة منطقتهم، اعتبارا من (الثلاثاء) الماضي قائلين: إنهم لا يشعرون بالأمان، لأن المنطقة باتت شبه خالية من السكان بعد مغادرة أغلبية أقاربهم إلى بنغلاديش.

وتحدثت تلك الوسائل عن تجمع أكثر من النصف على شاطئ قرب قرية لاي ين كوين، كما نشرت صور نساء وأطفال متجمعين على الرمال تحت أنظار عناصر الأمن. ولم يتضح كيف يمكن للنازحين إتمام رحلتهم إلى بنغلاديش، إذ أدى تدفق اللاجئين إلى أزمة إنسانية حادة، فيما سارعت مجموعات الإغاثة إلى محاولة تلبية حاجاتهم الهائلة.