A woman holds up a Spanish flag during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Yves Herman
A woman holds up a Spanish flag during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Yves Herman

امرأة تحمل علم إسبانيا خلال مظاهرة لصالح الدولة الموحدة قبل يوم من استفتاء استقلال كاتالونيا أمس. (رويترز)
امرأة تحمل علم إسبانيا خلال مظاهرة لصالح الدولة الموحدة قبل يوم من استفتاء استقلال كاتالونيا أمس. (رويترز)
A demonstrator shouts at a Mosso d'Esquadra, Catalan regional policeman, in front of city hall during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Susana Vera
A demonstrator shouts at a Mosso d'Esquadra, Catalan regional policeman, in front of city hall during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Susana Vera
People shout and hold up Spanish flags during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Yves Herman     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
People shout and hold up Spanish flags during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Yves Herman TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
People show ballots tbefore the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Yves Herman
People show ballots tbefore the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Yves Herman
Demonstrators wave Spanish flags and shout in front of city hall during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before a banned October 1 independence referendum in Catalonia, in Madrid, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Sergio Perez     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Demonstrators wave Spanish flags and shout in front of city hall during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before a banned October 1 independence referendum in Catalonia, in Madrid, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Sergio Perez TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Protesters in legionnaires uniforms participate as thousands packed the central Cibeles square in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017. Thousands of pro-Spanish unity supporters donning Spanish flags have rallied in a central Madrid plaza to protest the Catalan regional government's drive to separate from Spain. Message on t-shirt reads: 'The Legion, Patriotic Pride'. (AP Photo/Paul White)
Protesters in legionnaires uniforms participate as thousands packed the central Cibeles square in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017. Thousands of pro-Spanish unity supporters donning Spanish flags have rallied in a central Madrid plaza to protest the Catalan regional government's drive to separate from Spain. Message on t-shirt reads: 'The Legion, Patriotic Pride'. (AP Photo/Paul White)
A woman kisses a Spanish flag as protesters hold Spanish and Catalan flags during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Susana Vera
A woman kisses a Spanish flag as protesters hold Spanish and Catalan flags during a demonstration in favor of a unified Spain a day before the banned October 1 independence referendum, in Barcelona, Spain, September 30, 2017. REUTERS/Susana Vera
People carrying Spanish flags demonstrate against Catalonia's planned referendum on secession in Barcelona Saturday, Sept. 30 2017. The planned referendum is due to be held Sunday by the pro-independence Catalan government but Spain's government calls the vote illegal, since it violates the constitution, and the country's Constitutional Court has ordered it suspended. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
People carrying Spanish flags demonstrate against Catalonia's planned referendum on secession in Barcelona Saturday, Sept. 30 2017. The planned referendum is due to be held Sunday by the pro-independence Catalan government but Spain's government calls the vote illegal, since it violates the constitution, and the country's Constitutional Court has ordered it suspended. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
A girl sporting a Spanish flag painted on her face takes part in a demonstration against independence of Catalonia called by DENAES foundation for the Spanish Nation Defence on September 30, 2017 in Madrid.  Catalan separatists showed determination today to press ahead with an independence referendum banned by Madrid, occupying dozens of schools designated as polling stations to stop police from closing them down. / AFP / GABRIEL BOUYS
A girl sporting a Spanish flag painted on her face takes part in a demonstration against independence of Catalonia called by DENAES foundation for the Spanish Nation Defence on September 30, 2017 in Madrid. Catalan separatists showed determination today to press ahead with an independence referendum banned by Madrid, occupying dozens of schools designated as polling stations to stop police from closing them down. / AFP / GABRIEL BOUYS
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رويترز (مدريد)
داهمت الشرطة الإسبانية، مركزا للاتصالات تابعا لحكومة إقليم كاتالونيا أمس (السبت)، قبل يوم من إجراء استفتاء على الانفصال. وأفاد متحدث باسم حكومة كاتالونيا، أن أربعة ضباط شرطة دخلوا مركز الاتصالات في برشلونة، الذي يتحكم في الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات لحكومة الإقليم وإن من المتوقع بقاءهم فيه لمدة يومين.

وجاء ذلك بعد أن أمرت المحكمة العليا الشرطة بمنع إجراء التصويت الإلكتروني. كما أمرت شركة «قوقل» بحذف تطبيق كان يوفر معلومات عن استفتاء الاستقلال عن إسبانيا.

ومن المتوقع أن يصوت عشرات الآلاف من مواطني الإقليم اليوم (الأحد)، في اقتراع ليس له صفة قانونية، فيما أرسلت مدريد آلافا من الشرطة إلى الإقليم الواقع في شمال شرق البلاد لمنع إجراء الاستفتاء.

لكن زعيم الإقليم كارلس بودجمون قال في مقابلة أمس الأول، إن التصويت سيمضي قدما رغم هذه الإجراءات. وأضاف «كل شيء جاهز في كل مراكز الاقتراع التي يزيد عددها على ألفين. هناك صناديق الاقتراع وبطاقات التصويت وفيها كل ما يحتاج الناس للتعبير عن رأيهم».

وفي تجمع أخير في برشلونة في إطار الحملة الداعمة للاستقلال شكل الحضور شعارا بحروف بيضاء كبيرة يقول «الاستفتاء هو الديموقراطية» على منصة أمام الحشود الذين ارتدى كثير منهم علم كتالونيا بلونيه الأحمر والأصفر. وخيم آخرون في مراكز اقتراع لتحدي أوامر المحكمة بإغلاقها.