قوات أمن مصرية وناقلات جنود مدرعة على الطريق الصحراوي باتجاه الواحات البحرية قرب موقع الهجوم الإرهابي أمس. (أ.ف.ب)
قوات أمن مصرية وناقلات جنود مدرعة على الطريق الصحراوي باتجاه الواحات البحرية قرب موقع الهجوم الإرهابي أمس. (أ.ف.ب)
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side.
Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side. Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows an Egyptian security forces' armoured personnel carrier (APC) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side.
Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows an Egyptian security forces' armoured personnel carrier (APC) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side. Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side.
Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side. Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side.
Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side. Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side.
Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side. Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side.
Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
A picture taken on October 21, 2017 shows Egyptian security forces' vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) parked on the desert road towards the Bahariya oasis in Egypt's Western desert, about 135 kilometres (83 miles) southwest of Giza, near the site of an attack that left dozens of police officers killed in an ambush by Islamist fighters. An official statement said a number of the attackers were killed, but did not give any figures for losses on either side. Medics and security sources gave a death toll of 35 among police. / AFP / MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
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هناء البنهاوي، محمد حفني (القاهرة)OKAZ_online@
تضاربت الأنباء أمس (السبت)، حول أعداد ضحايا قوات الأمن المصرية في العملية الإرهابية التي جرت بمنطقة الواحات بمحافظة الجيزة أمس الأول، فبينما أعلنت وزارة الداخلية في بيان، أن عدد القتلى 16 بينهم 11 ضابطا وأربعة مجندين، ورقيب شرطة، أكدت مصادر أمنية، أن عدد القتلى ارتقع إلى 58 شرطيا (23 ضابطًا بينهم سبعة أمن وطني، و16 أمن مركزي وعمليات خاصة و35 مجنداً). وأضاف بيان الداخلية، أن التعامل مع العناصر الإرهابية أسفر عن مقتل وإصابة 15 منهم. وأكدت الوزارة أن هذه الأحداث الإرهابية لن تزيدها إلا إصرارا وعزيمة على اقتلاع جذور الإرهاب. وأفادت أن العناصر الإرهابية اتخذت من إحدى المناطق في العمق الصحراوي في الكيلو 135 بطريق أكتوبر ــ الواحات بالجيزة مكانا للاختباء والتدريب والتجهيز للقيام بعمليات إرهابية، مستغلين الطبيعة الوعرة للظهير الصحراوي.

وأفادت مصادر أمنية، أن قوات الأمن تعرضت لإطلاق نار كثيف بمختلف أنواع الأسلحة، منها أسلحة ثقيلة وقذائف «آر بي جي»، وصواريخ مُضادة للطائرات. ورجحت المصادر، أن يكون الإرهابيون من عناصر «داعش» التي تختفي في الصحراء الغربية والقادمة من ليبيا، وكانت وراء تفجيرات الكنائس بقيادة الهارب عمرو سعد عباس، لكن مصادر أخرى أكدت أن هؤلاء الإرهابيين من عناصر حركة حسم الإخوانية التي تتدرب في معسكرات بالمنطقة وتخطط لشن عمليات إرهابية.من جهته، وصف نائب رئيس مركز الأهرام للدراسات السياسية والإستراتيجية الدكتور عماد جاد العملية بأنها «استدراج محسوب بدقة» لتكبيد القوات المصرية أكبر عدد من الخسائر، ولم يستبعد عضو البرلمان المصري في تعليق لقناة «الحدث» أمس، وجود اختراق في وزارة الداخلية ما أدى إلى تمرير معلومات للإرهابيين عن عملية المداهمة، لافتا إلى أن حدوث اختراقات من قبل في عدد من العمليات الإرهابية، وهناك قضايا أمام الحاكم بذلك.

وكانت وزارة الداخلية أوضحت في بيان مساء أمس الأول، أن معلومات وردت لقطاع الأمن الوطني عن اتخاذ بعض العناصر الإرهابية للمنطقة المتاخمة للكيلو 135 بطريق الواحات بعمق الصحراء مكانا لاختبائها، ما استدعى إعداد مأمورية لمداهمة تلك العناصر. وأضاف أنه حال اقتراب القوات واستشعار تلك العناصر بها، أطلقت أعيرة نارية تجاهها، إذ قامت القوات بمبادلتها إطلاق النيران، ما أسفر عن مقتل وإصابة عدد من رجال الشرطة، ومقتل عدد من الإرهابيين.