TOPSHOT - A Syrian man transports wood in a horse cart in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. 

 According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. 
TOPSHOT - A Syrian man transports wood in a horse cart in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. / AFP / Amer ALMOHIBANY
TOPSHOT - Syrian boys stand at a window covered with a makeshift curtain in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. 
TOPSHOT - Syrian boys stand at a window covered with a makeshift curtain in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. / AFP / Amer ALMOHIBANY
A elderly Syrian man on a wheelchair makes his way at a street in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. 

 According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. 
A elderly Syrian man on a wheelchair makes his way at a street in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. / AFP / Amer ALMOHIBANY
Syrian men using crutches stand at a street in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. 

 According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. 
Syrian men using crutches stand at a street in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. / AFP / Amer ALMOHIBANY
A Syrian man transports wood in a donkey cart in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. 

 According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. 
A Syrian man transports wood in a donkey cart in Douma, a rebel-held town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, on October 24, 2017. According to the World Bank, the conflict in Syria has cost the country's economy some $226 billion -- about four times the country's gross domestic product in 2010. The fighting has damaged or destroyed 27 percent of Syria's housing stock and about half the country's medical and educational facilities. About 85 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and half are unemployed. / AFP / Amer ALMOHIBANY
A displaced Syrian child eats an ear of corn as she sits on the floor in a heavily damaged area where her family took refuge in the rebel-held town of Saqba, in Eastern Ghouta on October 24, 2017. / AFP / ABDULMONAM EASSA
A displaced Syrian child eats an ear of corn as she sits on the floor in a heavily damaged area where her family took refuge in the rebel-held town of Saqba, in Eastern Ghouta on October 24, 2017. / AFP / ABDULMONAM EASSA
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«عكاظ» (جدة) OKAZ_online@
بعد أقل من 72 ساعة من الهدوء الحذر، جدد النظام السوري أمس (الأربعاء)، قصف الريف الشمالي الشرقي لحماة، وشنت طائراته الحربية هجمات على مناطق في قريتي سرحا الشمالية والجنوبية والجنينة بريف حماة الشرقي. وأوضح المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان، أن القصف استهدف أيضاً مناطق تحت سيطرة هيئة تحرير الشام، و«داعش».

في غضون ذلك، قتل 10 من عناصر النظام السوري والمسلحين الموالين له من جنسيات سورية وغير سورية، وأصيب نحو 8 آخرين بجراح متفاوتة بينهم ضابطان على الأقل، جراء تفجير «داعش» لسيارة مفخخة في أطراف مدينة الميادين في الريف الشرقي لدير الزور أمس، بحسب ما أفاد المرصد السوري، الذي رجح ارتفاع أعداد الضحايا بسبب وجود جرحى في حالات خطرة. ويأتي هذا التفجير بعد 10 أيام من سيطرة النظام السوري على الميادين التي كانت تعد «عاصمة ولاية الخير» للتنظيم الإرهابي.

من جهة أخرى، كشف جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي أمس، عن شخصية قائد ميليشيا «حزب الله» في جنوب سورية، وفي الجولان خصوصا. وذكر المتحدث باسم الجيش أفيخاي أدرعي، الذي نشر صورة للقائد العسكري، أنه يدعى منير علي نعيم شعيتو، وملقب بالحاج هاشم ومتزوج من هناء، وله أربعة أولاد، وشغل مناصب ميدانية متنوعة في الحزب في سورية ولبنان.