A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10.
The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10. The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER

يمنية تجلس بجوار طفلتها المنومة في مستشفى بالحديدة أمس. (أ. ف. ب)
يمنية تجلس بجوار طفلتها المنومة في مستشفى بالحديدة أمس. (أ. ف. ب)
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10.
The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10. The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10.
The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10. The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10.
The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10. The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10.
The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10. The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10.
The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10. The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10.
The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
A Yemeni child receives treatment at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah on November 11, 2017. The Saudi-led coalition is still blocking desperately-needed UN aid deliveries to Yemen despite the re-opening of the port of Aden and of a land border crossing, a UN spokesman said on November 10. The sea port at Hodeida, which is in rebel-held territory, is key to UN aid efforts as it is closest to the majority of people in need. / AFP / ABDO HYDER
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أحمد الشميري (جدة)a_shmeri@
أحبط تحالف دعم الشرعية في اليمن أمس (السبت)، عملا وشيكا لاستهداف خطوط الملاحة البحرية الدولية. وأعلن المتحدث باسم التحالف العربي العقيد الركن الطيار تركي المالكي، أنه تم استهداف عناصر حوثية بجزيرة البوادي اليمنية، خططت لأعمال عدائية تستهدف خطوط الملاحة الدولية. وأضاف أن الهجوم تضمن استخدام الزوارق السريعة المفخخة وغواصين لزرع الألغام البحرية. من جهة أخرى، قتل 18 مسلحاً حوثياً، وأسر ضابط في الحرس الجمهوري الموالي للمخلوع أمس، خلال المعارك في مديرية الزاهر بمحافظة البيضاء. وأوضح رئيس المركز الإعلامي للمقاومة مصطفى البيضاني لـ«عكاظ» أن الميليشيات شنت هجوما على منطقتي الحبج ولجردي في مديرية الزاهر التي سيطرت عليها قوات الشرعية، لكن الجيش أفشله وأسر ضابطا في حرس المخلوع. وأعلن وزير النقل اليمني مراد الحالمي، استئناف الرحلات الجوية التجارية الدولية إلى اليمن، موضحا في بيان أمس الأول، أن رحلات شركة الخطوط اليمنية لمدينتي عدن وسيئون الخاضعتين لسيطرة الشرعية ستستأنف اليوم (الأحد).

من جهته، اتهم مسؤول في وزارة الصحة بمحافظة إب أمس، الميليشيات بسرقة الأدوية والمعونات الطبية وبيعها في السوق السوداء وآخرها اللقاحات المخصصة لمرض الدفتيريا. وأفاد المسؤول لـ«عكاظ» أن «الدفتيريا» انتشر في بعض مديريات إب، ما استدعى توزيع أدوية لمكافحته، لكنها سرقت من قبل الحوثيين.