A relative of a victim is helped as he cries after a deadly suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. Authorities say suicide car bomber killed dozens of people and wounded over 100 in an attack claimed by the Taliban in the Afghan capital Kabul, authorities said. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)
A relative of a victim is helped as he cries after a deadly suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. Authorities say suicide car bomber killed dozens of people and wounded over 100 in an attack claimed by the Taliban in the Afghan capital Kabul, authorities said. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured boy sits in an ambulance after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail TEMPLATE OUT
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured boy sits in an ambulance after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail TEMPLATE OUT
People help carry an injured man to the hospital following a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. Authorities say suicide car bomber killed dozens of people and wounded over 100 in an attack claimed by the Taliban in the Afghan capital Kabul, authorities said. (AP Photo/ Rahmat Gul)
People help carry an injured man to the hospital following a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. Authorities say suicide car bomber killed dozens of people and wounded over 100 in an attack claimed by the Taliban in the Afghan capital Kabul, authorities said. (AP Photo/ Rahmat Gul)
Afghan Injured men receives a treatment at a hospital after a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. Authorities say suicide car bomber killed dozens of people and wounded over 100 in an attack claimed by the Taliban in the Afghan capital Kabul, authorities said. (AP Photo/ Rahmat Gul)
Afghan Injured men receives a treatment at a hospital after a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. Authorities say suicide car bomber killed dozens of people and wounded over 100 in an attack claimed by the Taliban in the Afghan capital Kabul, authorities said. (AP Photo/ Rahmat Gul)
TOPSHOT - Afghan medical staff treat a wounded women, after a car bomb exploded near the old Interior Ministry building, at Jamhuriat Hospital in Kabul on January 27, 2018. An ambulance packed with explosives blew up in a crowded area of Kabul on January 27, killing at least 17 people and wounding 110 others, officials said, in an attack claimed by the Taliban.
TOPSHOT - Afghan medical staff treat a wounded women, after a car bomb exploded near the old Interior Ministry building, at Jamhuriat Hospital in Kabul on January 27, 2018. An ambulance packed with explosives blew up in a crowded area of Kabul on January 27, killing at least 17 people and wounding 110 others, officials said, in an attack claimed by the Taliban. / AFP / WAKIL KOHSAR
People help carry an injured man to the hospital following a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. The Public Health Ministry says dozens were killed and over 100 wounded in a suicide car bombing in downtown Kabul. (AP Photo/ Rahmat Gul)
People help carry an injured man to the hospital following a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday Jan. 27, 2018. The Public Health Ministry says dozens were killed and over 100 wounded in a suicide car bombing in downtown Kabul. (AP Photo/ Rahmat Gul)
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured man receives medical assistance after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail TEMPLATE OUT     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured man receives medical assistance after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail TEMPLATE OUT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Afghan medical staff treat a wounded man after a car bomb exploded near the old Interior Ministry building, at Jamhuriat Hospital in Kabul on January 27, 2018. An ambulance packed with explosives blew up in a crowded area of Kabul on January 27, killing at least 40 people and wounding 110 others, officials said, in an attack claimed by the Taliban.
Afghan medical staff treat a wounded man after a car bomb exploded near the old Interior Ministry building, at Jamhuriat Hospital in Kabul on January 27, 2018. An ambulance packed with explosives blew up in a crowded area of Kabul on January 27, killing at least 40 people and wounding 110 others, officials said, in an attack claimed by the Taliban. / AFP / WAKIL KOHSAR
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH An injured man arrives outside the hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH An injured man arrives outside the hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail
An injured man receives treatment at a hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail
An injured man receives treatment at a hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH An injured man is carried to the hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH An injured man is carried to the hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured boy is seen in an ambulance after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail TEMPLATE OUT
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured boy is seen in an ambulance after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan January 27, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail TEMPLATE OUT
Afghan medical staff treat a wounded boy, after a car bomb exploded near the old Interior Ministry building, at Jamhuriat Hospital in Kabul on January 27, 2018. An ambulance packed with explosives blew up in a crowded area of Kabul on January 27, killing at least 40 people and wounding 110 others, officials said, in an attack claimed by the Taliban.
Afghan medical staff treat a wounded boy, after a car bomb exploded near the old Interior Ministry building, at Jamhuriat Hospital in Kabul on January 27, 2018. An ambulance packed with explosives blew up in a crowded area of Kabul on January 27, killing at least 40 people and wounding 110 others, officials said, in an attack claimed by the Taliban. / AFP / WAKIL KOHSAR

طفل أفغاني تسيل منه الدماء أصيب في الانفجار، وفي الإطار مسن يخضع للعلاج في مستشفى بكابول أمس. (أ ف ب)
طفل أفغاني تسيل منه الدماء أصيب في الانفجار، وفي الإطار مسن يخضع للعلاج في مستشفى بكابول أمس. (أ ف ب)
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رويترز، أ ف ب (كابول)
دخلف هجوم تبنته حركة طالبان، 100 قتيل ونحو 158 جريحا في انفجار سيارة مفخخة وسط العاصمة الأفغانية كابول أمس (السبت)، بحسب ما أعلن نائب المتحدث باسم وزارة الداخلية الأفغانية نصرت رحيمي، ومسؤولين من وزارة الصحة. وأوضحت وزارة الداخلية أنه جرى توقيف 4 مشتبه بهم في إطار التحقيق في الهجوم الأكثر دموية منذ انفجار شاحنة مفخخة في الحي الدبلوماسي في 31 مايو الماضي خلَّف 150 قتيلا و400 جريح.

وأكدت الرئاسة الأفغانية في بيان أمس أن الهجوم يمثل جريمة ضد الإنسانية.

من جهتها، أشارت منظمة «إيمرجنسي» الإيطالية (غير حكومية)، التي نُقل ضحايا إلى مستشفى تابع لها في العاصمة الأفغانية، إلى وقوع «مجزرة» من جراء الانفجار الهائل. وشوهد في موقع الهجوم العديد من الجثث والضحايا المضرجين بالدماء من قتلى وجرحى على الأرصفة.

من جهة ثانية، عبر مصدر مسؤول بوزارة الخارجية السعودية عن إدانة بلاده الشديدة لانفجار سيارة ملغومة في العاصمة الأفغانية كابول، معرباًَ عن تضامن السعودية مع جمهورية أفغانستان الإسلامية في مواجهة الإرهاب والتطرف.