امرأة وابنها يبكيان على مقتل أحد أقاربهما جراء غارات تركية على عدد من القرى الكردية في عفرين، أمس. (أ ف ب)
امرأة وابنها يبكيان على مقتل أحد أقاربهما جراء غارات تركية على عدد من القرى الكردية في عفرين، أمس. (أ ف ب)
A picture taken on January 29, 2018 shows trucks loaded with sacks of potatoes standing abandoned after their windows were blasted from their frames following airstrikes by government forces which hit the vegetable market of the town of Saraqeb in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib. Syrian troops had been advancing on Idlib as part of a fierce offensive launched in late December with Russian backing. / AFP / OMAR HAJ KADOUR
A picture taken on January 29, 2018 shows trucks loaded with sacks of potatoes standing abandoned after their windows were blasted from their frames following airstrikes by government forces which hit the vegetable market of the town of Saraqeb in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib. Syrian troops had been advancing on Idlib as part of a fierce offensive launched in late December with Russian backing. / AFP / OMAR HAJ KADOUR
Relatives of a Kurdish herder mourn outside the hospital in Afrin on January 28, 2018, after he was killed in a Turkish airstrike on their village near the Kurdish enclave. Turkey launched operation «Olive Branch» on January 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in Afrin, supporting Syrian opposition fighters with ground troops and air strikes. / AFP / DELIL SOULEIMAN
Relatives of a Kurdish herder mourn outside the hospital in Afrin on January 28, 2018, after he was killed in a Turkish airstrike on their village near the Kurdish enclave. Turkey launched operation «Olive Branch» on January 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in Afrin, supporting Syrian opposition fighters with ground troops and air strikes. / AFP / DELIL SOULEIMAN
Relatives of a Kurdish herder mourn outside the hospital in Afrin on January 28, 2018, after he was killed in a Turkish airstrike on their village near the Kurdish enclave. Turkey launched operation «Olive Branch» on January 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in Afrin, supporting Syrian opposition fighters with ground troops and air strikes. / AFP / DELIL SOULEIMAN
Relatives of a Kurdish herder mourn outside the hospital in Afrin on January 28, 2018, after he was killed in a Turkish airstrike on their village near the Kurdish enclave. Turkey launched operation «Olive Branch» on January 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in Afrin, supporting Syrian opposition fighters with ground troops and air strikes. / AFP / DELIL SOULEIMAN
Relatives of a Kurdish herder mourn outside the hospital in Afrin on January 28, 2018, after he was killed in a Turkish airstrike on their village near the Kurdish enclave. Turkey launched operation «Olive Branch» on January 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in Afrin, supporting Syrian opposition fighters with ground troops and air strikes. / AFP / DELIL SOULEIMAN
Relatives of a Kurdish herder mourn outside the hospital in Afrin on January 28, 2018, after he was killed in a Turkish airstrike on their village near the Kurdish enclave. Turkey launched operation «Olive Branch» on January 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in Afrin, supporting Syrian opposition fighters with ground troops and air strikes. / AFP / DELIL SOULEIMAN
A picture taken on January 29, 2018 shows blood stains on the ground next to trucks loaded with sacks of potatoes standing abandoned after their windows were blasted from their frames following airstrikes by government forces which hit the vegetable market of the town of Saraqeb in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib. Syrian troops had been advancing on Idlib as part of a fierce offensive launched in late December with Russian backing. / AFP / OMAR HAJ KADOUR
A picture taken on January 29, 2018 shows blood stains on the ground next to trucks loaded with sacks of potatoes standing abandoned after their windows were blasted from their frames following airstrikes by government forces which hit the vegetable market of the town of Saraqeb in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib. Syrian troops had been advancing on Idlib as part of a fierce offensive launched in late December with Russian backing. / AFP / OMAR HAJ KADOUR
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«عكاظ» (إسطنبول) OKAZ_online@
بدأ مؤتمر سوتشي أمس (الإثنين)، برعاية الأمم المتحدة بالتنسيق مع موسكو لحل الأزمة السورية، فيما ترأس المبعوث الأممي للأزمة السورية ستيفان دي ميستورا الجلسة الافتتاحية.

وقال مصدر مطلع لـ«عكاظ»: إن المؤتمر ستصدر عنه أوراق سياسية تتعلق بالدستور وإجراء انتخابات حتى للاجئين في الخارج بصيغة يتم الاتفاق عليها بين القوى السياسية.

وجددت روسيا أن غياب المعارضة السورية المتمثلة بالائتلاف والهيئة العليا للمفاوضات لن يؤثر على مؤتمر سوتشي وما يتمخض عنه من قرارات لحل الأزمة السورية، فيما اعتبرت شخصيات سياسية أن مؤتمر سوتشي أعرج، بسبب غياب أغلبية المعارضة السورية المعترف بها دوليا.

وفي باريس، أشارت وزارة الخارجية الفرنسية بأنها لن تشارك في الاجتماع حول سورية والمقام في منتجع سوتشي؛ معللة بعدم إحراز أي تقدم بعد فشل مفاوضات فيينا.

من جهة ثانية، قضى 11 شخصا أمس بمدينة سراقب، في مجزرة هي الثانية في المدينة والثالثة بريف إدلب خلال أقل من 12 ساعة.

وأفاد الدفاع المدني في إدلب بأن 11 شخصا قضوا وأصيب 10 آخرون في قصف نفذه طيران النظام الحربي واستهدف سوق البطاطا الواقعة شمالي مدينة سراقب، مشيرا إلى وجود حالات حرجة بين المصابين ما يرجح ارتفاع عدد الضحايا.

وطالت الغارات بلدتي «معرة حرمة» و«حيش» ومدينة «خان شيخون» بريف إدلب الجنوبي، أسفرت عن سقوط عدد من المصابين وخلفت أضرارا مادية كبيرة لحقت بالمنازل والممتلكات.

إلى ذلك، شيعت مدينة عفرين أمس 24 شخصاً، بينهم 8 مدنيين، قتلوا جراء المعارك والغارات التركية على قرى وبلدات عدة في المنطقة الحدودية ذات الغالبية الكردية التي تشكل هدفاً لهجوم تشنه أنقرة مع فصائل سورية معارضة.

وتسببت الغارات الجوية التركية بمقتل 14 مدنياً، بينهم 5 أطفال، وفق حصيلة للمرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان، ما يرفع حصيلة القتلى في صفوف المدنيين منذ بدء الهجوم إلى 55 قتيلاً على الأقل.