" data-responsive="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2018/07/11/915422.jpg" data-src="https://www.okaz.com.sa/uploads/images/2018/07/11/915422.jpg"> US President Donald Trump (R) and US First Lady Melania Trump disembark from Air Force One as they arrive at Melsbroek Air Base in Haachtsesteenweg on July 10, 2018. US President Donald Trump has arrived in Brussels on the eve of a tense NATO summit where he is set to clash with allies over defence spending. Trump arrived on Air Force One at Melsbroek military airport, shortly after saying on Twitter that NATO allies should
US President Donald Trump (R) and US First Lady Melania Trump disembark from Air Force One as they arrive at Melsbroek Air Base in Haachtsesteenweg on July 10, 2018. US President Donald Trump has arrived in Brussels on the eve of a tense NATO summit where he is set to clash with allies over defence spending. Trump arrived on Air Force One at Melsbroek military airport, shortly after saying on Twitter that NATO allies should "reimburse" the United States for spending on the alliance. - Belgium OUT / AFP / BELGA / BENOIT DOPPAGNE
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واس (بروكسل)
بدأ الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب اليوم زيارة إلى العاصمة البلجيكية بروكسل للمشاركة في قمة لحلف شمال الأطلسي ( الناتو ).

وحطّت الطائرة الرئاسية "إير فورس وان" في مطار ميلسبروك العسكري في بداية جولة أوروبية لترامب تستمر أسبوعًا.

وسيلتقي ترامب خلال الزيارة قادة الدول الأعضاء في حلف شمال الأطلسي.