قريبة أحد قتلى حماس، الذي اغتالته إسرائيل، تنتحب خلال جنازته في جباليا شمال قطاع غزة أمس. (أ ف ب)
قريبة أحد قتلى حماس، الذي اغتالته إسرائيل، تنتحب خلال جنازته في جباليا شمال قطاع غزة أمس. (أ ف ب)
Palestinian relatives of Ahmad Murjan, the young Hamas fighter killed by Israeli fire, mourn over his death during the funeral in Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip, on August 7, 2018. Israeli forces on August 7 killed two militants of the Gaza Strip's ruling Hamas movement, the health ministry in the Palestinian territory said. Hamas's military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, confirmed in a statement that the dead men were its fighters and named them as Ahmed Murjan and Abdel-Hafez al-Silawi. Palestinian sources said that the Israeli attack was in the north of the strip but they said it was a drone strike, while the Israeli statement said that it was tank fire. / AFP / MAHMUD HAMS
Palestinian relatives of Ahmad Murjan, the young Hamas fighter killed by Israeli fire, mourn over his death during the funeral in Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip, on August 7, 2018. Israeli forces on August 7 killed two militants of the Gaza Strip's ruling Hamas movement, the health ministry in the Palestinian territory said. Hamas's military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, confirmed in a statement that the dead men were its fighters and named them as Ahmed Murjan and Abdel-Hafez al-Silawi. Palestinian sources said that the Israeli attack was in the north of the strip but they said it was a drone strike, while the Israeli statement said that it was tank fire. / AFP / MAHMUD HAMS
Palestinian relatives of Ahmad Murjan, the young Hamas fighter killed by Israeli fire, mourn over his death during the funeral in Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip, on August 7, 2018. Israeli forces on August 7 killed two militants of the Gaza Strip's ruling Hamas movement, the health ministry in the Palestinian territory said. Hamas's military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, confirmed in a statement that the dead men were its fighters and named them as Ahmed Murjan and Abdel-Hafez al-Silawi. Palestinian sources said that the Israeli attack was in the north of the strip but they said it was a drone strike, while the Israeli statement said that it was tank fire. / AFP / MAHMUD HAMS
Palestinian relatives of Ahmad Murjan, the young Hamas fighter killed by Israeli fire, mourn over his death during the funeral in Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip, on August 7, 2018. Israeli forces on August 7 killed two militants of the Gaza Strip's ruling Hamas movement, the health ministry in the Palestinian territory said. Hamas's military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, confirmed in a statement that the dead men were its fighters and named them as Ahmed Murjan and Abdel-Hafez al-Silawi. Palestinian sources said that the Israeli attack was in the north of the strip but they said it was a drone strike, while the Israeli statement said that it was tank fire. / AFP / MAHMUD HAMS
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ردينة فارس (غزة) okaz_online@
أعلنت وزارة الصحة في قطاع غزة أمس (الثلاثاء) مقتل عنصرين من كتائب عزالدين القسام الجناح العسكري لحركة حماس في غارة إسرائيلية على موقع شمال بيت لاهيا. وقالت الوزارة «وصلت إلى المستشفى الإندونيسي في شمال غزة جثتان عبارة عن أشلاء، وهما عبدالحافظ محمد عبدالحافظ السيلاوي (23 عاما) وأحمد عبدالله جمعة مرجان (23 عاما) من جباليا. من جهتها، أفادت كتائب القسام أن الجيش الإسرائيلي «استهدف موقع عسقلان التابع» لها في شمال بيت لاهيا.

وقالت إنه تم استهداف العنصرين «أثناء التدريب وهما من وحدة الضفادع البشرية القسامية وكانوا على منصة الانزال». وأكد الناطق باسم حماس فوزي برهوم أن «المقاومة لا يمكن أن تسلم للاحتلال بفرض سياسة قصف المواقع واستهداف المقاومين دون أن يدفع الثمن، لافتا إلى أنها قادرة على قض مضاجعه وجعله لا يعرف الهدوء». وبذلك يرتفع عدد الفلسطينيين إلى 162 الذين قتلوا بنيران الجيش الإسرائيلي منذ بدء الاحتجاجات على الحدود بين قطاع غزة وإسرائيل في 30 مارس الماضي.