A wounded Palestinian man is brought into al-Shifa hospital on August 9, 2018, following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / ANAS BABA
A wounded Palestinian man is brought into al-Shifa hospital on August 9, 2018, following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / ANAS BABA
A picture taken on August 9, 2018 people inspecting the rubble of a building following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / MAHMUD HAMS
A picture taken on August 9, 2018 people inspecting the rubble of a building following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / MAHMUD HAMS
A wounded Palestinian boy is brought into al-Shifa hospital on August 9, 2018, following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / ANAS BABA
A wounded Palestinian boy is brought into al-Shifa hospital on August 9, 2018, following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / ANAS BABA
A wounded Palestinian girl is brought into al-Shifa hospital on August 9, 2018, following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / ANAS BABA
A wounded Palestinian girl is brought into al-Shifa hospital on August 9, 2018, following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. At least 18 Palestinians were wounded as Israel struck a building in central Gaza City, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said, after hours of relative calm. The strike hit a building that Palestinians say housed a cultural centre and other offices in the middle of the city, an AFP correspondent said. Israel's military had not commented. / AFP / ANAS BABA
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ردينة فارس (غزة) Okaz_online@
عاد الهدوء إلى غزة أمس (الجمعة) بعد الإعلان عن اتفاق هدنة بين إسرائيل وحماس سيخضع للاختبار مع مسيرات ستنطلق من داخل القطاع باتجاه السياج الأمني الحدودي مع إسرائيل. وبعد أشهر من تصاعد التوتر، شهدت غزة ومحيطها الإسرائيلي ليل الأربعاء الخميس واحدة من أخطر المواجهات بين الفصائل الفلسطينية وإسرائيل منذ حرب 2014.

وقال مصدر عسكري إسرائيلي إن جيش الاحتلال يعارض شن عملية عسكرية ضد غزة في ظل الظروف الحالية. وأضاف أن الانجرار وراء ذلك سيكون بمثابة تكرار للحرب الأخيرة على القطاع اعتبرت عملية فاشلة في نظر القيادة الميدانية. ونقل موقع «روتر» الإسرائيلي عن المصدر العسكري قوله أمس: إن الأمر الصحيح الذي يجب فعله الآن هو التوصل إلى تهدئة وتنفيذ عملية عسكرية موسعة بعد فترة زمنية من الإعداد والتجهيز، بحيث تكون قصيرة وموضعية مع تحقيق عنصر المفاجأة.

فيما رأى الجنرال في جيش الاحتلال شالوم هرري أن احتلال غزة سيكون ثمنه باهظا جدا، وأن القطاع مليء بالأنفاق المفخخة والقناصة وعمليات الاختطاف. وتوقع أن تؤدي عملية احتلال غزة إلى مقتل 700 جندي إسرائيلي.