A member of the Taliban insurgent and other people stand at the site during the execution of three men in Ghazni Province April 18, 2015. The Taliban announced the execution of three men accused of murdering a couple during a robbery, saying they had been tried by an Islamic court. The killing was carried out in front of a crowd by Taliban fighters who fired at the men with AK-47s, according to a Reuters witness. Footage seen by Reuters show the men were made to sit on the ground with their eyes blindfolded and their hands tied at the time of their execution. REUTERS/Stringer
A member of the Taliban insurgent and other people stand at the site during the execution of three men in Ghazni Province April 18, 2015. The Taliban announced the execution of three men accused of murdering a couple during a robbery, saying they had been tried by an Islamic court. The killing was carried out in front of a crowd by Taliban fighters who fired at the men with AK-47s, according to a Reuters witness. Footage seen by Reuters show the men were made to sit on the ground with their eyes blindfolded and their hands tied at the time of their execution. REUTERS/Stringer
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رويترز (أفغانستان)
قال مسؤولون وشهود في أفغانستان اليوم (الأربعاء)، إن آلافا من أفراد أقلية الهزارة العرقية هربوا من منازلهم في إقليم غزنة بوسط البلاد، بينما توغلت حركة طالبان في ضاحيتين كانتا آمنتين.

وفي معارك عنيفة خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية، سيطر مئات من مقاتلي طالبان على أجزاء كبيرة من منطقتي جاغوري وماليستان اللتين تسكنهما أعداد كبيرة من الهزارة، وهي جماعة لطالما عانت من التمييز في أفغانستان.

وقال محمد علي الذي هرب من منزله في جاغوري إلى مدينة غزنة : "رأيت طالبان تحرق منزل قائد شرطة محلي وتقتل القائد وابنه... كما أُغلقت السوق، ولا يوجد طعام أو دواء أو كهرباء لذا هربنا".