An Algerian demonstrator waves a national flag as he takes part in a protest in the capital Algiers on July 2, 2019. Several hundred Algerian students and teachers demonstrated against the regime today for the 19th consecutive week, and called for the release of «political detainees», including the recently arrested protesters. / AFP / RYAD KRAMDI
An Algerian demonstrator waves a national flag as he takes part in a protest in the capital Algiers on July 2, 2019. Several hundred Algerian students and teachers demonstrated against the regime today for the 19th consecutive week, and called for the release of «political detainees», including the recently arrested protesters. / AFP / RYAD KRAMDI
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أ ف ب (الجزائر)
تظاهر مئات الطلاب والأساتذة الجزائريين اليوم (الثلاثاء)، للأسبوع التاسع عشر على التوالي ضد النظام، مطالبين بالإفراج عن «المعتقلين السياسيين»، بمن فيهم المحتجون الذين تم اعتقالهم مؤخرًا، بحسب مراسل وكالة فرانس برس.