A protester holds a black shirt as he jumps while chanting slogans amidst clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
A protester holds a black shirt as he jumps while chanting slogans amidst clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE

Men gather around a fallen protester affected by tear gas amidst clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
Men gather around a fallen protester affected by tear gas amidst clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
Men carry away a masked protester injured during clashes with riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the Iraqi capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
Men carry away a masked protester injured during clashes with riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the Iraqi capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
A topless masked protester flashes the victory gesture as he waves an Iraqi national flag before a burning building during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
A topless masked protester flashes the victory gesture as he waves an Iraqi national flag before a burning building during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
Protesters gather next to a burning building amdist clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
Protesters gather next to a burning building amdist clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
Protesters gather next to a burning building amdist clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
Protesters gather next to a burning building amdist clashes with Iraqi riot police during a demonstration against state corruption and poor services, between the capital Baghdad's Tahrir Square and the high-security Green Zone district, on October 1, 2019. Security forces used water cannons and tear gas to disperse more than 1,000 protesters in central Baghdad. Iraq is considered the 12th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. Power cuts are rampant, water shortages are common and unemployment is high, particularly among youth. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
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ا ف ب (بغداد)
سقط 3 قتلى و60 مصابا في مظاهرات غاضبة في العاصمة العراقية بغداد أمس (الثلاثاء). وأعلن التلفزيون العراقي، أن قوات الأمن استخدمت الرصاص الحي والغاز المسيل للدموع لتفريق المتظاهرين الذين خرجوا هاتفين ضد الفساد وضعف الخدمات العامة. وتجمع نحو ألف متظاهر في وسط بغداد للتنديد بالفساد والمطالبة بالخدمات وتوفير فرص عمل. وردد المتظاهرون شعار «باقونا (سرقونا) الحرامية»، في إشارة إلى الطبقة الحاكمة.

وتمركزت القوات الأمنية على سطح مبنى شاهق يطل على ساحة التحرير (نقطة التجمع التقليدية للمتظاهرين في وسط بغداد)، وعلى جسر الجمهورية القريب المؤدي إلى المنطقة الخضراء، حيث السفارة الأمريكية ومقار حكومية.

وإضافة إلى الهتافات المطالبة بالخدمات وتوظيف الشباب الذين تطالهم البطالة بنسبة 25% وهو ضعف المعدل العام، حمل آخرون لافتات داعمة للفريق عبدالوهاب الساعدي. وطالب المحتجون بتغيير الحكومة بسبب فشلها في تحسين الخدمات وخلق الوظائف. كما هتف كثيرون بشعارات مناهضة للحكومة، ورفعوا ملصقات للواء عبدالوهاب الساعدي، الذي تم عزله مؤخراً من منصبه على رأس قوات مكافحة الإرهاب.

وأثار قرار رئيس الوزراء عادل عبدالمهدي الأسبوع الماضي استبعاد قائد قوات مكافحة الإرهاب الفريق الساعدي، الذي اضطلع بدور كبير في المعارك ضد «داعش» غضباً وتساؤلات عن أسباب القرار. وكان من بين المحتجين العشرات من خريجي الجامعات الجدد الذين لم يتمكنوا من العثور على وظائف في هذا البلد الغني بالنفط والمتخم بالفساد، بحسب ما أفادت وكالة أسوشيتد برس.